Personal Training is just the beginning...

We offer all-inclusive fitness and nutrition plans
scroll down to check out all our services!

What Mindt Conditioning offers

Personal Fitness Training

All ages and Starting Points

Whether it's one-on-one or in small groups our Certified Personal Trainers are here to help you get fit and live healthier safely. The leading cause of people giving up on their fitness goals is injury, let our trainers work with you to create a personalized, sustainable exercise program to keep you on your path.

Nutritional Coaching

Personalized diets guides and 24/7 meal accountability

Physical activity is only part of the journey, what you eat to fuel your body will have a larger impact on your quality of life than activity alone. Our Certified Nutrition Coaching will get you on track and we are always available with Menu advice to help you stay on track. 

Body Building
Strength & Conditioning

Olympic Weightlifting and athletic conditioning

If you have specific goals and know how you want to shape your body our Trainers can help you achieve those goals. For those who want to push their body past what you previously thought were your personal limits and see what you are truly capable of.

Cardio Kickboxing

High intensity cardio

Cardio kickboxing is a fun alternative way to improve cardiovascular health. All kickboxing is non combative, and usually burns between 300-600 calories a session. Whether you’re coming in to get an intense workout or just relieve stress, our trained staff
will make sure you have fun doing it.

Team Events

Company off-site and team building exercises

If your organization is fitness conscious and looking for a location in the scenic Pacific Northwest to have a team retreat or summit you will not find a more serene or picturesque location than Astoria Oregon. Let our trainers lead your team through a group session and you'll never forget it!